Read Away Your Fines

Read Away Your Fines
The Teen Read Away Your Fines program enables you to reduce overdue fines by reading in the library.

Here’s how it works: For every 20 minutes you read in the Teen Room, $2 will be waived from your record. A Teen Room staff member will sign and date a slip for you to present at the Circulation Desk.

• You may read for longer than 20 minutes. The Teen Room staff member will indicate the total amount in fines to be forgiven on the slip based on the amount of time you read that day. You do not have to read out loud to a staff member; you may read silently and independently. However, all reading must be done in the Teen Room to qualify for the “Read Away” program.

• Bring the signed and dated slips to the Circulation Desk to have the earned amount of fines waived from your account.

Please note: the “Read Away” program only applies to fines for overdue materials. The program cannot be used to reduce fines for lost or damaged items.