Cool Sites

Cool Sites

Homework Help

Best Information on the Net
Best feature is the Hot Paper Topics, which include resources related to controversial issues such as abortion, immigration, drugs, the death penalty, and same-sex marriage.

How Stuff Works
A fascinating, comprehensive look into how things work.

High School Ace
An extremely well-organized site containing many excellent links and tools to help with homework and research papers.

Free study guides to help you write research papers and study for tests.
Fun interactive learning center. Explore the solar system, test your skills against the chess computer or ace the regents by taking pratice tests.

Regents Examinations
Practice tests for all New York State Regents Exams.

Fun & Games

Fly for Fun
Mmorpg game with exciting graphics.

Help make the world a better place while playing a great word game.

Magnetic Poetry
Create your own poems online.

Fan Fiction
Find your favorite book, TV show, or game and make up your own storyline about it.

Homestar Runner
A great comedy site filled with silly humor, catchy cartoons, and mind-boggling games.

Create your own, or take some fun quizzes on everything from IQ to what high school stereotype you fit.

Get Active!

Youth Noise
Voice your opinions and discuss issues with other teens from around the world.

Teen Activist
Talk about your community service accomplishments.

Free Child Project
Provides tools and training to help you engage in social change.


Teen Advice
Practical advice from peers and experts about issues you care about.

Youth Resource
A website for and by gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual young adults.

Sex, Etc.
Sex education by teens for teens.